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Growing up requires us to learn how to tolerate disappointments in life, but many parents feel responsible for shielding their children from experiences they consider too upsetting. You may feel guilt, embarrassment, pain or discomfort, shame, or other negative emotions if you know that you are the reason your child is now whining, crying, yelling,…
Read more about How to say “no”, stick to it, and avoid power struggles
In school, when teachers ask questions, many kids might know the answer, but are too shy or nervous or unsure of themselves to raise their hands, get the correct answer and begin the positive feedback loop for confidence by receiving affirmation from themselves and their community. On curaJOY’s website, we discuss how children develop confidence.…
Much of our own unhappiness and the world’s problems disappear when we can put ourselves in someone else’s shoes. Everyone has a different story, and understanding their perspectives not only makes you feel better about any situation (even upsetting ones) but also improves your overall happiness. Babies start out in life completely egocentric, only aware…
Read more about Thinking Outside of <strike>the Box</strike> Yourself for a Happier Life