
  • Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Rewards

    Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Rewards

    “If I use rewards to motivate my child, how will they develop their own drive?” This is a great question from one of our software developers in Canada. Around the world, there are so many different beliefs and attitudes about motivation, where it should come from, and what it should look like. Some psychologists claim…

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  • Speech Therapy

    Speech Therapy

    Speech and Language Therapy is a healthcare profession focusing on improving communication skills and addressing speech and language difficulties. Speech and language therapists receive highly specialized training in the physiology of the mouth, tongue, swallowing muscles, and speech production. They work on lisps, stuttering, speech impediments, chewing and swallowing, sound production, vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure,…

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  • Play-Based Therapy

    Play-Based Therapy

    Play-based therapy is a type of psychotherapy that uses activities to help children develop social, emotional, and behavioral skills. Play-based therapy provides a fun and engaging environment for children to learn and practice critical skills naturally and developmentally appropriate. Play therapy is often employed for children with a history of trauma or abuse by allowing…

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  • Family-Based Therapy

    Family-Based Therapy

    In family-based therapy, psychological and emotional disorders are treated by working with every family member. Instead of focusing solely on the individual, it takes a systemic approach to the family and considers how family interaction style impacts the individual. Various issues are treated with FBT, including eating disorders, substance abuse, and behavioral problems. During therapy,…

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  • Acceptance Commitment Therapy

    Acceptance Commitment Therapy

    Acceptance and Commitment Training is a blend of cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and ABA theories of verbal behavior that emphasizes acceptance of one’s thoughts, feelings, and experiences as a normal part of the human experience instead of trying to get rid of them. . ACT therapists ask their clients to identify their values and help…

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  • Exposure Therapy

    Exposure Therapy

    Exposure therapy is a cognitive behavioral therapy used to treat anxiety disorders. It can be effective for people with autism because it reduces anxiety and phobias related to specific stimuli. Treatment involves gradually exposing the person to the source of their fear or anxiety in a controlled and safe environment.  Exposure therapy helps individuals cope…

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  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy

    Cognitive Behavior Therapy

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses exercises and homework to change unhelpful thinking and behavior patterns. It is based on the idea that thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are interconnected and that changing negative thought patterns can lead to positive changes in behavior and mood. CBT is widely used to treat various…

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  • Applied Behavior Analysis

    Applied Behavior Analysis

    ABA therapy is an evidence-based treatment for individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities. ABA is a scientific approach to understanding and improving human behavior by identifying the relationship between behavior and the environment through systematic observation and data collection.Using data, the most effective therapy approach is customized.  ABA has been found to be the…

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  • Your first followers and biggest fans

    Your first followers and biggest fans

    Several friends around me vow never to have kids because they know how much bad parenting can hurt from personal experience and don’t want to wield the power of “ruining my kids’ lives.”  I see parenthood as the easiest way to experience unconditional love and a second chance at healing wounds from your childhood.  How…

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  • Addicted to Achievements

    Addicted to Achievements

    Growing up as a high-achieving Asian, much of my confidence came from the accolades, and the praise my parents, teachers, and peers gave me for coming in first in the class, competition, etc. Before I realized it, my identity and self-esteem were tied to my accomplishments. My very well-intentioned mom pushed me to not only…

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  • Your Love Manual

    Your Love Manual

    Happy Valentines!  In this season of love, don’t forget the many different types of love that fill your life–starting with your very first relationship in this world that sets you on a path for the rest of your relationships, romantic or not. Our first relationship–with our parents–inevitably shapes all other relationships that follow. Parents give…

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  • The Heart of Every Quest Is A Goal

    The Heart of Every Quest Is A Goal

    If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much. Jim Rohn At the core of every quest is an ultimate goal.  Goals are our ambitions and dreams. When we set a goal, (Latham & Locke, 2002), whether it’s…

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