There’s an unspoken game all the rage in behavioral healthcare–ghost networks. It is a silent crisis that is largely overlooked but causing real damage to families seeking care. Despite assurances that behavioral healthcare is accessible, these ghost networks make it nearly impossible to get the help we need. Two years ago, my family was hit…
Read more about The Waiting Game of Ghost Networks in Behavioral Healthcare
Let’s begin by talking about our wonderfully complex brains. You know those times when you make a decision and later think, “Wait, why did I do that?” Well, you’re not alone! We all have these things called cognitive biases. They’re not just us being silly; they’re actually our brains taking shortcuts that sometimes lead us…
Read more about My Journey with AI in Mental Health: A Therapist’s Hopeful Perspective
Are you a behavioral healthcare provider struggling with a backlog of cases? Check out curaJOY’s MyCuraJOY platform, an app designed to help you help children and their families. If you’re a healthcare provider, you’re probably aware of all the issues the system is currently facing. Provider burnout, long waiting times, and an endless backlog of…
Read more about Wellness App For Healthcare Equity: Doctor-Supervised Conversational AI
At its core, expectation management is about aligning hopes with reality. We’re taught to manage customers’ or employees’ expectations so they don’t become unwieldy, but the goal isn’t to settle for mediocrity; instead, it’s about being mutually transparent about what is realistically achievable. Managing expectations is a vital skill that can make the difference between…
Read more about The Role of Expectation Management in Success
In this riveting interview, we have Dr. Marc Lanovaz, a University of Montreal professor at the forefront of integrating data science and machine learning in behavioral healthcare. We discuss the impact of cultural relevancy in behavior analysis, how machine learning can improve clinical decision-making in mental health, and a groundbreaking virtual reality application simulating the…
War has long been recognized as a catalyst for significant societal changes. From the devastation it inflicts on physical landscapes to the trauma it leaves on individuals, the effects of war reverberate long after the last battle has been fought. Among the many consequences of war, one of the most significant is its impact on…
I am really tired of articles about “workforce shortages” in mental health. The questions these articles pose, such as:“How do we increase the workforce?”And “Where are the mental health professionals?”imply that:1. This problem just happened randomly.2. It would be solved if mental health professionals showed up. Those are the wrong questions and the wrong conclusions.My…
Read more about 4 Reasons for the Mental Healthcare “Workforce Shortage”
Why is it so hard to get care? Behavioral healthcare is an umbrella term that includes treatment for mental health, substance abuse, learning differences, and disordered behavior resulting from mental illness or disability. Behavioral therapy and behavioral programs include talk therapy, detox and substance abuse treatment, occupational therapy, inpatient and psychiatric treatment, behavioral therapy for…