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Junior year of high school can feel like a battleground. You’re loaded up with AP classes, preparing for the SAT, outdoing each other in extracurricular activities and trying to map out a future that everyone says depends on this one year. “It’s make or break time.,” they tell you. I’ve been feeling frantic, depressed, and…
Read more about Dear Daughter, And to Every Young Person Feeling the Pressure
My daughter just came back from a summer at UC Berkeley. It was the first time that she stayed in a more metropolitan area where she wasn’t as sheltered. She asked me to buy her pepper spray. In fact, she carried one in each hand whenever she went out. A homeless person came up to…
One of our volunteers thanked me for believing in her and “I love you.” I was taken aback for a moment because she’s Asian, and we Asians don’t tell each other, “I love you!” 😭 Only Westerners and movies do that mushy emotional stuff. We only dream about it. Asian parents give kids food…
Let’s begin by talking about our wonderfully complex brains. You know those times when you make a decision and later think, “Wait, why did I do that?” Well, you’re not alone! We all have these things called cognitive biases. They’re not just us being silly; they’re actually our brains taking shortcuts that sometimes lead us…
Read more about My Journey with AI in Mental Health: A Therapist’s Hopeful Perspective