How do you determine the winner of the Shining Moments Writing Contest?

The post with the greatest number of likes at 1 pm PST on Monday, April 15, 2021. We will post a leaderboard on the Shining Moments main page starting March.

You’re more than welcomed to “like” your own entry and invite your friends to do so. (But you won’t be able to vote repeatedly for yourself. Our system is set up to prevent cheating though.) We believe everyone who participates will experience the uplifting power of words and not only inspire others but enrich their own lives too.

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  • Untitled post 43427

    I am glad that I got help. Behavior therapy was like having a second teacher that goes to your house, only they don’t teach math. They teach you coping skills. Coping skills are methods used to calm yourself down in stressful situations. I learned coping skills very easily, as coping skills are just stuff like…

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  • Untitled post 43425

    I have always been very anxious. I don’t know where it started, but from a young age, I wanted to control/make sure that everything in my life would be alright. This has caused me to have anxiety attacks where my heart rate can go up to 170 bpm. During that time period, I am virtually…

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    I wished my parents know more about me, my characteristic, my interest. And wished we interacted with each other like we are friends, and explored the world together.

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