Applied Behavior Analysis
ABA therapy is an evidence-based treatment for individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities. ABA is a scientific approach to understanding and improving human behavior by identifying the relationship between behavior and the environment through systematic observation and data collection.Using data, the most effective therapy approach is customized. ABA has been found to be the…
The Heart of Every Quest Is A Goal
If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much. Jim Rohn At the core of every quest is an ultimate goal. Goals are our ambitions and dreams. When we set a goal, (Latham & Locke, 2002), whether it’s…
Lava Pits and Siren’s Calls
With your quests, you’ve been guided by the best-proven success and productivity principles and set out to achieve something important to you. What you’ve already done deserves respect for the courage it took. But if you go off-track once in a while. That’s completely normal–You’re human. At these times, remember that all happy and successful…
What’s a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)?
A behavior intervention plan, or BIP, is a set of customized instructions written specifically for the purpose of increasing desirable behavior and decreasing undesirable behavior. It defines what needs to be done in order for an individual to either learn a new skill or perform a known skill at the necessary level. A behavior plan…
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Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
Applied Behavior Analysis, or ABA, is the scientific foundation of the FBA. ABA is primarily concerned with assessing behavior in the context of the event that immediately precedes it (antecedent) and its consequence, which is the event that occurs following the behavior. By analyzing the relationship between antecedent, behavior, and consequence (ABC), clinicians are able…
How do I earn points?
Your Coaches
In MyCuraJOY, coachs are our resident 3D embodied agents with advanced Natural Language Processing capabilities that converse with participants and teach via the Socratic method. Each coach contains a wealth of social-emotional learning content, cognitive behavior techniques, but each has different personalities, appearances, gender, race, and age, and life stories. Participants’ interactions with coachs are…
Treasure Chest – Performance-based Rewards
MyCuraJOY’s payout rate is designed specifically to maximize motivation and facilitate behavior change. It’s also important to note that MyCuraJOY doesn’t require 100% success for full treasure chest award qualification. Perfectionism impedes long-term personal growth, and we value progress and effort towards the right direction in order to maximize our quester’s life potential. 94 –…
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Quest Check In – Updating Your Progress
Questers must Check In on their quest with a picture at least once a week. Their updates determine their quest performance scores, and systems are in place to flag false submissions. curaJOY users email, text, and push notifications to remind users who forget to update and make it easy for users to update via…
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Zone of Proximal Development
When you notice that your child has made obvious progress, it’s easy to forget to encourage them because you may think it’s what they’re supposed to be doing. Just like when the child is younger, not knowing how to play jigsaw puzzles, you would take their hands and finish jigsaw puzzles together. After a period…
Why you should be writing
Writing heals. Writing calms. It connects and brings self-awareness. To write, we have to slow down our busy minds and focus on our purpose. It requires us to reflect on our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and see them clearly–which is why journaling has been found to benefit one’s long-term mental health even more than assistance from…
Do I have to sign a contract or commit to a long membership?
No, there is no long-term commitment. We want to make our programs assessible to as many families as possible. However you should keep in mind that the full value of curaJOY’s programs are in their unique approach. Parents receive a personalized and valid Assessment Report for their child after he/she has completed the first five…
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