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Why is curaJOY holding a writing contest?

The past year has challenged most families more than we could have ever imagined. Kids have had to adapt to virtual schooling, changing lockdown situations, missed team competitions and family visits, their teachers and parents’ working at home and the anxiety caused by these uncertainties–their own and those around them. We’ve also witnessed that words are powerful, in both positive and negative ways, and we can decide how we use that power. We want to build a positive community for kids where they inspire each other with stories of moments when their inner strengths triumphed, and in doing so, arouse their peers to act with the inner strengths of cooperation, self-discipline, communication, resilience, cooperation, empathy, and multilingualism.

curaJOY announces our Shining Moments writing contest where contestants have a chance to win $100. We welcome positive Shining Moments from everyone, even if they’re not interested in participating in the contest. You may download a pdf flier here to spread the word.

Contestants may submit their Shining Moments stories and enter the contest at https://blog.curajoy.com/shining-moments/.

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