I have always been very anxious. I don’t know where it started, but from a young age, I wanted to control/make sure that everything in my life would be alright. This has caused me to have anxiety attacks where my heart rate can go up to 170 bpm. During that time period, I am virtually incapable of doing anything. I have an urge to do something, to distract myself, usually through work. It’s very discouraging for me because I know what I’m going through but I don’t know how to make myself feel better (partly because I lost my self-help book lol.)

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  1. binance us тркелу Avatar
    binance us тркелу

    Can you be more specific about the content of your article? After reading it, I still have some doubts. Hope you can help me.

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  • Untitled post 43421

    Of course my parents didn’t tend to our emotional health growing up. They seldom care for their own emotional health! In that generation, most of the men just drink their sorrows away.

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  • Untitled post 43419

    I WISH MY PARENTS HAD PAID ATTENTION TO NOTICE THAT I WAS BEEN BODY SHAMED. Or maybe they did, but just didn’t care or didn’t think it was important.

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    My parents worked alot, never supported my activities. Didn’t do anything to build my confidence, self esteem, so from that I learned the type of parent I wanted to be.

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