Cell City

On the day of January 29th, my sister entered in a card game competition, with the prize of publishing your own game. I was oblivious to this. When I first heard of it, my thought was “why the heck are they talking so loudly?” They mumbled about how the foundation would be, how to incorporate both learning and fun in a single game. My mother had to drag her out from working over night on this, actually. My sister displayed discipline as she worked every single day on this, confidence since she believed she would win. No sobbing stories about her losing is a plus, though.

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  1. b^onus de registro na binance Avatar
    b^onus de registro na binance

    Your article helped me a lot, is there any more related content? Thanks!

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  • Untitled post 43421

    Of course my parents didn’t tend to our emotional health growing up. They seldom care for their own emotional health! In that generation, most of the men just drink their sorrows away.

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  • Untitled post 43419

    I WISH MY PARENTS HAD PAID ATTENTION TO NOTICE THAT I WAS BEEN BODY SHAMED. Or maybe they did, but just didn’t care or didn’t think it was important.

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  • Untitled post 43417

    My parents worked alot, never supported my activities. Didn’t do anything to build my confidence, self esteem, so from that I learned the type of parent I wanted to be.

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