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Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses exercises and homework to change unhelpful thinking and behavior patterns. It is based on the idea that thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are interconnected and that changing negative thought patterns can lead to positive changes in behavior and mood.

CBT is widely used to treat various mental health conditions, including anxiety and depression, as well as autism. Therapists use CBT to identify and challenge negative thought patterns, such as unrealistic expectations or self-defeating beliefs. CBT is commonly used to treat phobias by gradually exposing the person to their fear and working through negative self-talk. 

CBT is goal-directed and time-limited, usually lasting a matter of weeks. Its success depends on the individual’s participation and devotion to completing assignments. Coping strategies and problem-solving skills are also taught to help individuals manage difficult emotions and situations. Individuals are proven to develop a more positive and resilient outlook and improve their overall quality of life.

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