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curaJOY Leverages UserTesting To Improve Behavioral Healthcare Access

We often think about our physical well-being when we hear the term “wellness”. But emotional wellness is the foundation for a thriving life – a life that considers how well we go through challenges, rather than just assessing whether our bodies ache or if our knees don’t creak when we bend. curaJOY is committed to improving your family’s emotional wellness with its root-cause solutions.

Tech for good

curaJOY, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization providing behavioral health solutions, is proud to announce a new partnership with UserTesting, a SaaS leader in video-based experience testing, to develop and provide more effective mental health solutions. Specifically, the alliance will enhance user experience and drive more impactful product development.

curaJOY believes that the new partnership will change the way you view and improve your emotional wellness.

Elevate behavioral health solutions

Jax Powell, a UI/UX lead at curaJOY, says that the partnership will significantly improve how users experience their platform. Leveraging UserTesting’s network, curaJOY can now reach and engage with a more diverse audience, and tailor their solutions to meet the specific needs of various user groups.

Through the video-based experience testing of UserTesting, the team at curaJOY can observe how users interact with their product firsthand – which will allow Jax and his team to create more user-friendly interventions.

“UserTesting has enabled my team to better align our designs with user needs. It has allowed us to empathize and consider the user at every step when creating a product geared towards helping them reach their wellness goals and connect more with their wellness team,” says Jax. “CuraJOY’s mission is to improve the accessibility, effectiveness, and the community sounding individual and group wellness. UserTesting has let us accomplish this on a new level as now we can align our designs to our users on a level we haven’t been able to achieve before.”

Jax clarifies that user feedback is the “make or break” of product development. She says that UserTesting will help her team dive deeper into what users want and create a platform that they truly want.

Systemic solutions

Driven by its goal of providing effective and continuous support for diverse families, curaJOY is excited about its new partnership and its limitless potential in improving family emotional wellness. The team says that now that they can access UserTesting’s advanced analytics and machine-learning-powered dashboards, they can validate findings and measure performance over time.

This allows them to continually offer a systemic solution that builds social and emotional wellness. This, in turn, can reduce the risk of crime, unemployment, depression, and substance abuse.

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