Details of how the Treasure Chest works

Psychologists and performance scientists agree that behaviors can be shaped by a consistently-implemented reward system.  Treasure Chest is the reward–actual money–adventurers can earn by completing their quests successfully. It teaches and reinforces the important relationship of one’s actions and life outcome which builds a growth, success-oriented mindset.

We’ve gotten requests for non-monetary treasure chest options, and there is a way for adventurers to set their own non-monetary reward.  Our priority is to implement a consistent reward system globally where parents, grandparents, family and friends can sponsor adventurers on their goals, and have plans to provide financial literacy lessons for children to manage their treasure chest wins. 

Caitlyn Wang Avatar

Response to “Details of how the Treasure Chest works”

  1. binance registro Avatar
    binance registro

    I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.

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