A stack of rocks on top of a piece of wood used in behavior therapy for parenting to promote mental health.

Critical Skill for Balance in Life

Self-discipline, delayed gratification, and impulse control are some of the terms often used interchangeably, and all crucial to long-term success.

One of the main benefits of self-discipline is the ability to look past instant gratification and pleasure in order to see and strive for greater results — even those which require significant effort.

The sooner children start exercising self-discipline, the sooner they start reaping its benefits while simultaneously learning that the payoffs are worth it. It’s a positive cycle that will continue to create success throughout their lives.

While sticking with goals is not always easy, self-discipline spurs critical follow-through when difficulties arise along the way. Life is full of challenges, and self-discipline can mean the difference between persevering and giving up. There are other benefits, too. Every time we set a goal and reach it, we grow in self-esteem, confidence, satisfaction, and happiness. Steve Jobs, the visionary behind Apple, was known for his relentless self-discipline. This did not come easily or naturally to him. Rather, he worked at it because he wanted to achieve greatness in life. Considering that the iPhone is credited with transforming tech and changing the world, Jobs more than reached his goal.

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