One time when I shone

When my family goes to Disneyland, sometimes we also go to Disney’s California Adventure. And for years, my dad always asked me, “hey Reese, want to try the tower of terror?” And I always said “no” or “I feel kinda sick” even though I was just scared. Eventually, the Tower of Terror got shut down and I felt so sad because the next time we went I was going to do it. But then, a new ride rose from the ashes of the Tower of Terror… the new Guardians of the Galaxy ride. Fortunately, it was exactly the same ride type, but with a different theme. And I wanted to do it more than anything. So we went over to it. Of course, like all new Disneyland rides, the wait for it was an hour-long. My dad and I hopped in line before it got worse. During that hour’s wait, I had a bunch of time to think about this decision. I have a tendency to overthink things if I have too much time to think. So as we got closer, I got more scared and the number of butterflies in my stomach multiplied. I thought that I was going to faint because of all the thoughts that clouded my mind. Luckily my dad was there and made me feel safer and reassure me. But he also understood if I was too scared, so he gave me an option. Either we keep on going or we exit the line now. I didn’t want to let him down or myself down. I gathered myself up and shooed the butterflies away. I was going to do this. We were about to go into our seats when the butterflies returned. The ride started and dropped us down. We were falling (but it was part of the ride). I’m pretty sure that got rid of the butterflies. And I forgot about everything except for this fun time I was having with my dad. The last part of the ride brought us to the very top of the tower, showed us a great view of Disneyland, and dropped us all the way down. Even to this day, I am so proud of how I took that and I can remember it as though it was yesterday. At that time, I shined very brightly, and that light will never disappear from my memories.

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  • Untitled post 43421

    Of course my parents didn’t tend to our emotional health growing up. They seldom care for their own emotional health! In that generation, most of the men just drink their sorrows away.

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  • Untitled post 43419

    I WISH MY PARENTS HAD PAID ATTENTION TO NOTICE THAT I WAS BEEN BODY SHAMED. Or maybe they did, but just didn’t care or didn’t think it was important.

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  • Untitled post 43417

    My parents worked alot, never supported my activities. Didn’t do anything to build my confidence, self esteem, so from that I learned the type of parent I wanted to be.

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