The story of Melody the quadrilingual girl

Melody a charming girl is half Taiwanese half Spanish and French, and is an English speaker. She had been all over the world moving constantly from country to country (Spain, France, Taiwan) each time going to different schools and cultural environments.

Her ease in all these languages has made her adaptive in all sorts of different cultural backgrounds and truly able to adapt to different views, ideologies and life philosophies in general.

Melody has been forced since her youngest age to keep an open mind and accept all sorts of ways to conceive the world, taking advantage off all the cultures she knows.

She has made all sorts of very interesting self adaptations that resulted in her very unique way to view the world, for example she bypassed all sorts of local languages because she considered them “too closed” Melody has come to appreciate broadness.

Melody has filtered all the cultures she knew, keeping what she felt was more advantageous, she has created her very unique and interesting way to view the problems and deal wih life, always resorting in different ways to deal with problems according to the situation.

Melody has acquired awesome cognitive abilities and is able to learn new stuff in an instant as her highly trained mind has been used to handle various stream of information at once.

Thanks to curaJOY we have been able to keep an incoming stream of material for her and enforce further her mental fitness and self-confidence.

curaJOY made the “Good better for your us” we advise it for anyone who would be will to give it a try.

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