Treasure Chest – Performance-based Rewards

MyCuraJOY’s payout rate is designed specifically to maximize motivation and facilitate behavior change.  It’s also important to note that MyCuraJOY doesn’t require 100% success for full treasure chest award qualification.  Perfectionism impedes long-term personal growth, and we value progress and effort towards the right direction in order to maximize our quester’s life potential.

  • 94 – 100% = full payment + gamification points
  • 87-93% success rate = 90% awarded to quester + 3.5% fees to curaJOY + 7.5% credit back to the funding ally 
  • 76-86% success rate = 80% awarded to quester + 3.5% fees to curaJOY + 17.5% credit back to the funding ally
  • 65-75% success rate = 70% awarded to quester + 3.5% fees to curaJOY + 26.5% credit back to the funding ally 
  • 55-64% success rate = 35% awarded to quester + 3.5% fees to curaJOY + 62.5% credit back to the funding ally 
  • 54% and below = 0% awarded to quester + 2.5% fees to curaJOY + 97.5% credit back to the funding ally

All unrewarded treasure chest balances are kept in funding allies’ accounts for use for future quests or coaching services. 

Questers redeem their treasure chest (don’t expire) in digital gift cards they choose (i.e. prepaid visa, amazon, target, itunes, playstation, etc.) in amounts they choose.  Gift card offerings vary per country.

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